Sunday, March 8, 2009

Is Hamas a peace partner?

It looks like the Fatah and Hamas may be trying to form a "national unity" government. Doing this will not mean that Hamas is ready to come to the peace table. Considering the fact that Hamas is committed to genocide and feels that
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavours. (Hamas charter, Article 13)
what does this mean?

Does this mean that Hamas desires a truce or ceasefire? Perhaps.

But, what does Hamas think a truce or ceasefire means? The term they use is "hudna" In a 2005 interview with Der Spiegel, Hamas spokesperson Mushir Al-Masri talked about a "hudna":

The hudna is part of the struggle. It is a new phase, a kind of rest period for our fighters.
The question that peace-seekers need to ask is: how do you move forward? It can't be with Hamas.

How do we then build peace in the region?

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